
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

DNC Report: Day 1

Oh man, you would not believe what’s been happening around here! Day 1 of the Democratic National Convention yesterday was off the hook. I don’t even know what bit of excitement to start talking about first.
Okay, actually, there’s not much going on in my neck of the woods. The most exciting thing to [...]


Movie Review Sunday!
Last week, the girlfriend and I finally had a chance to watch Atonement, another of the 2007 Best Picture-nominated movies. After this, the only one I still need to see is There Will Be Blood. Atonement is a frisky little flick about a raccoon, a turtle, and a squirrel-like thing who [...]

Political Pastries

As Denver prepares for the Democratic National Convention, anything goes. Everyone’s getting into the act! The erotic bakery near work is offering some confections promoting the candidate. I didn’t actually go into the bakery to check out the sweets. I was too afraid of what I might find there. Very afraid. [...]

Late To The Merge

Regular readers of this blog know that I like to talk about traffic a lot. Driving and roads and traffic and drivers and pedestrians and bicyclists fascinate, and infuriate, me. In last Thursday’s Rocky Mountain News, there was a review of a book called Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and [...]

20 Tips For Daily Blogging

So, you’ve decided to try your hand at Blogging Every Day! Congratulations! You are officially insane! As someone who’s been doing the daily thing for quite a long time now, I have some tips for you. Most of these assume you are putting a lot of importance on not missing a [...]

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Movie Review Sunday!
Okay, I haven’t watched any movies this week. However, I did finally finish watching the first season of Mad Men, which I had recorded on my DVR since last summer, and the three episodes shown so far for this second season. I had actually watched the first episode last summer (twice), [...]

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