
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Almost Got Me

Pet Peeve of the Day: Server malfunctions.
Yesterday, the streak came very close to ending. “The streak”, of course, refers to the number of consecutive days of blog posting. I’ve been doing it every day since 10/30/07, which by my reckoning makes this the 291st daily post in a row. Originally, I was [...]

An Incomplete Guide To Kayaking: Part 7

The wait is over! It’s a been a such a long, long time since the last one and I know you’ve missed these something fierce! This is a continuation of my series of blog entries on the albums of the Dutch progressive rock band Kayak. To see the previous entries, do a blog [...]

Premature Falluation

This is going to be a short entry today. I spent most of tonight working on a longer entry for tomorrow. It contains a special surprise inside!
I’ve been getting this weird feeling the last couple of days that fall is here even though it’s the middle of August. There’s a crispness in [...]

The Cursed Commute

It was a bad day on Sixth Avenue. First, a man committed suicide on the road in the wee hours of the morning. When I got up this morning, I saw on the news that the freeway was closed while they investigated. It reopened by the time I left for work, but [...]

Meta Problems

Pet Peeve of the Day: WordPress upgrades.
Every once in awhile, I like to give myself a massive headache and upgrade the Wordpress software that underlies this blog. Actually, I’ve rarely had a problem with the upgrades. It’s usually pretty smooth, but it is time consuming, especially if you’re careful. But this [...]

I Don’t Think Eight Is That Lucky

Pet Peeve of the Day: Being trapped inside a Boston Market while a torrential downpour floods the streets. ‘Round about 7pm this evening, heavy rains, lightning, and high winds pelted the metro Denver area, and it seemed like we were right in the thick of it. It started right after N and I [...]

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