
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Will Haptics Make Me Happy?

I found this news article interesting: iPhone-Blackberry Battle Will Be Fought Over Keyboards.
Quote: In spite of all the well-deserved hoopla about the iPhone, RIM still has an impregnable position in enterprise and corporate markets — its tactile QWERTY keyboard is way more accurate than Apple’s glass keyboard, and corporate types are less tolerant of [...]


Pet Peeve of the Day: One of my external hard drives died this week. It was a 250GB Western Digital MyBook (USB & Firewire). Now it’s a brick. An out-of-warranty brick. The thing has always given me trouble, so I’m not exactly sorry to see it go. It’s always run [...]

Reading Is Fun With Metal

I’m still recovering from vacation and trying to catch up on stuff around the house, so this is going to be short. I mentioned in this post that an additional problem with ebooks, or at least with the way I read ebooks from my Palm T|X PDA, is that the screen is not really [...]

Tell Me What’s A Happening

Pet Peeve Of The Day: One of the problems with my new iPhone is that it has one of the worst cases of “TDMA Buzz” I’ve encountered. For those not afflicted or who don’t know what I’m talking about, see this article, which explains: “A disadvantage of TDMA systems is that they create interference [...]

Relative Bandwagons

Reportedly, publisher Penguin is now saying they are going to be releasing their books in ebook format as well as the regular paperly kind. I found out about this from this post, which amusingly mentions “the ebook bandwagon”.
When we were discussing this several months ago, I thought the whole ebook thing was essentially dead [...]

The Future’s Always Tomorrow

I’m tired and I have to get up early tomorrow morning and work, and I don’t have anything to talk about. I don’t even have a jogging listening list to post, since I didn’t jog this morning. Hmmmm… what to do?
Let’s go to the news:
It looks like Apple may introduce their 3G [...]

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