
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Don’t Look, Ethel!

Today marks 55* days in a row of daily posts. I put that asterisk there because I sort of missed December 15th due to a boneheaded mistake that day of hitting “Save” when I meant to hit “Publish”. I posted the entry for the 15th on the 16th and adjusted the timestamp. [...]

Friday I’m In Snow

This morning was pleasant enough: totally blue sky, temps in the 40s, but there was a cold wind. By early afternoon, the snow had moved in. I have the day off – actually I’ve got the rest of the year off – and had a lot of things to do today. Of [...]

Craven Cravings

Riddle me this, Batman.
What creature craves non-greasy food in the morning, salt in the mid-morning, greasy food at noon, sugar in the mid-afternoon, and vegetables in the evening?
Answer: Me!
Seriously, why do I always need salt for my mid-morning snack and sugar for my mid-afternoon one? Seems like it should be the other way around. [...]

The I Should Be Shopping Blues

Is this the weirdest day of the year, or what? The day after a major holiday, which in itself has become something of a holiday celebrating consumerism. It’s officially the start of the Ohmigod Christmas Is Almost Here And I Haven’t Done Any Shopping guilt-inducing period. Makes me actually want to go out [...]

Another Damn Eulogy

Had a nice day at the Denver Film Festival yesterday, hanging out with friends and taking in a few movies. I’ll probably be going over those films in this space over the next few days. But unfortunately, this is going to be another of those tear-stained tragedy posts that I’m getting tired of [...]

I Dreamt I Was a Cake and You Were Eating Me

Day 5 of National Blog Posting Month, and I return to one of my favorite subjects: Sleep.
There’s been a lot of news lately about studies and such showing the hurtful effects of sleep deprivation. Apparently it messes you up pretty bad in a lot of different ways: mentally, physically, spiritually, psychically, financially, sexually, and musically. [...]

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