
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Throwing Up On The Ride Of Life

Yeah, I’m still around, and I’m okay. I haven’t been posting because of some leftover depression caused by the situation in the previous post (which I did want to be on the top for awhile). And then there’s my general getting-out-of-the-daily-posting-routine issue. And lately it just feels like my brain has become soup. [...]

Why I Don’t Believe In God

Wow. There are so many thoughts swirling around in my head right now. I need to get them down, but I don’t know how good of a job I’ll do. Please bear with me. And if you want a Happy Post, I’m afraid you’ll have to look elsewhere for now.
What is the measure [...]

How I Learned To Love Sushi

I miss going to Fontana Sushi for lunch. Oh, there are plenty of sushi restaurants near the new office, but none of them are as good as Fontana. In fact, there’s even another Fontana Sushi nearby, but I think it’s owned by different people and the food and service are not as exemplary [...]

I Can’t Forget But I Don’t Remember What

I wonder what happened to me yesterday. I know I went to the hospital to have a panendoscopy test done to help determine the cause of a swallowing problem I’ve been having the last couple of years. This is where they stick a camera down your throat and take pictures of the insides [...]

Oh, Come On!

Sarcasm. Do we really need it? Am I really that much of a smartass? It’s so hard to avoid in every day life. I’ve been making something of a conscious effort to curtail it lately, due to some dust-ups with the people I love. But it’s a really hard thing [...]

My Pathology Of Blogging

Well, after a long summer dry spell, I’ve managed to actually blog every day for a month now. That’s a feat nearly unmatched by me. I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep it up and beat my record from last Feb/March, but who knows. It’s incredibly difficult keeping up this pace. [...]

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