I Feel So Dirty
Hmmm, maybe I should start a separate blog for just my Safeway stories…
So N and I were driving to my place the other evening, and we passed by my Safeway. You know, the one with the creepy old fiber-obsessed bagger guy. It’s also the one that is being remodeled. I wanted to [...]
What Pulp Means To Me
When creativity and ideas for a daily blog entry run dry, there’s always the Random Word Generator.
Your Random Word Is: Pulp
1) I do not like pulp in orange juice. Not even light pulp. That’s probably the reason I never drank much of it as a kid. I kept wondering what it [...]
If There’s A Spider, It Will Be Used
Hey, how about last night’s episode of Lost, the Nikki and Paulo one? That was a little weird, wasn’t it? Pretty predictable though. I totally called it from the time the spider showed up. Although I have to say the very end was a bit unexpected, kind of horrifying yet funny [...]
When I’m 25 Or 64
Not a lot of humor or pop culture references in today’s entry. So please move along if you’re not into my masturbatory self-analysis…
In today’s Dilbert Blog (go read it now), Scott Adams asks the question “What’s your permanent age?” This is something I’ve actually given a lot of thought to lately. I’d [...]
$1000 On NightKicker To Show
One of the many odd ailments that afflicts me from time to time is Restless Legs Syndrome. I think it’s hereditary, as other members of my family have the same problem. I’ve been to the doctor about it before, and was prescribed some sort of antidepressant or something, which didn’t help at all [...]
Phlegm Phlom
Must… drag… myself… to… computer… and… write… daily… blog… post…
I’m suffering from my yearly cold / flu / virus / whatever right now, and feeling miserable but alive. My head feels like it’s going to explode. At the same time, my father is in the hospital with his yearly bout of pneumonia. [...]