Do Roses Smell?
Please explain to me what “boredom” is. I hear people occasionally say “I’m bored” and I don’t understand what they’re talking about. Oh sure, I get bored like anyone else when I’m doing a tedious task or watching or reading something I’m not really into. But sitting around looking for something to [...]
Major Matt Awesome
Nothing feeds the nostalgia addiction like the Internet. Well, that and TV on DVD. I got all weepy for the past the other day when I saw this post on io9 (watch the commercial!) about one of my favorite childhood toys, NASA astronaut Major Matt Mason. Now there was a toy. [...]
Have More Sun, Please
We got a little snow here yesterday…
So I’ve uploaded the final batch of Cancún trip photos to the Flickr trip set. I haven’t posted all the photos we took by any means, but some get rather repetitive. And of course once you get back from a trip and look at the photos you [...]
Feel Feel The Sun
I know you all really, really want another entry in the extremely popular Guide To Kayak series I’ve been running, but I have to take a break today. You see, I’ve actually been on an extended weekend getaway with my girlfriend to Cancún Mexico for the past 4 days. We were lounging on the [...]
How Green Is My Sandwich
One of the many ways in which my relationship with N has changed me is that because of her, I can now eat spinach. I was never much of a Spinach Man. Growing up, I hated it. Mostly because my mother would try to feed us cooked spinach, and the texture made [...]
Restart From Last Checkpoint
InfK got it right yesterday, I think. The April Fools prank was not that I had never seen Rocky, but that I was going to stop daily posting. At this point, stopping daily blogging would be like stopping daily breathing or stopping daily belly shaving. It’s just something that I’ve got to do. [...]
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