The Brash And The Brazen
Cartoon Network has a new weekly Batman animated series called The Brave and The Bold. It’s named after the old (and recently revived comic book series) that for most of its run featured Batman teaming up with other heroes. The cartoon follows that theme. So far, it’s seen Batman team up with [...]
Televised Fairy Tales
No time for a longer blog entry lately. But I did want to mention about how ABC is going to do a pilot based on the DC/Vertigo comic book series Fables, which I wrote about while back. Seems like a pretty good fit for TV, as it wouldn’t require a lot of special [...]
The One With The Title Patterns
There’s an interesting article up at the TV Squad blog about the episode naming patterns of some current television shows. Fascinating stuff. For example, I had no idea that the titles of Desperate Housewives episodes were Sondheim songs. But what I know about Stephen Sondheim could fill a carbon nanotube.
Okay, well, this [...]
Not So Final Frontieresque
Pet Peeve of the Day:
The Flying McCoys, 12/2/2008:
The name of the TV show/movie is Sex and the City, not Sex in the City. Why can’t the non-fans ever get that right?? Sheesh.
And who’s the dude on the far left?
Poignant Search Term Of The Day That Led To This Blog: “phobia that starts with [...]
Gone To Westeros
Last day of vacation. Boo hoo!
Some interesting news lately out of Hollywood on the progress of two highly anticipated (by me anyway) possible future HBO shows. Since both of these projects were first announced, there’s been a regime change at HBO which made it look unlikely (according to some people) that either project [...]
DJ And The Bat
Pet Peeve of the Day: Last week, Variety announced that the CW Network is going to develop a new show called The Graysons based on the early life of Batman’s sidekick Robin, before his parents died and he was taken in by the Dark Knight. Supposedly this is either a replacement of sorts for [...]
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