Dream A Lucid Dream Of Me
I’m not sure why, but my dreams have been especially vivid lately. I go through cycles like this. During these vivid dreaming periods, I can recall slipping into Lucid Dreaming. That’s the process by which one can consciously control or influence their dreams. I read a book on it a long [...]
Reading Hour
A couple of weeks ago I came to the realization (which should come as no surprise to all two loyal readers) that I watch too much damn TV. I look at the stacks of unread comics and books, unlistened-to music, and unwatched DVDs and think to myself “When am I going to have time [...]
Didn’t We Try This Before?
The big news today, of course, is the announcement last night of the bizarre new one-handed controller for Nintendo’s yet-to-be-released next-gen video game console (codenamed “Revolution”, but that could change). I think it’s safe to say that this thing caught the gaming press by surprise. It looks like a TV remote control, but [...]
Better Mood
Okay, that last post was kinda harsh, and illicited some unexepected reactions that made me kinda sorry I posted it. Makes me glad I didn’t go with my first draft, at least. Sometimes my sarcasm gland gets a little out of control. But I did put it out there and I’m not [...]
Slices of America
A few random catchup items/observations…
One thing I noticed when I was in Milwaukee, and that I brought up with my hosts, is that the servers at the ethnic restaurants we went to there were not of that ethnicity themselves (Indian and Japanese at least, not quite sure about the Mexican place). Not that there’s [...]
Hot Coffee In Bed
Oy Vey. Sen. Clinton seeks ‘Grand Theft’ sex scene probe. Okay, here’s what disturbs me about this. First of all, the mod that allows this can only be done to the PC version of the game, not the PS2 or Xbox version. The articles rarely mention that. Therefore, the AO [...]
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